
What's new on GlobaliD news feed and changelog.

October 07, 2021

Web App v2.5.0

In this release, you can find the following improvements:

New features

  • Proud member? Sport the new community-assigned Group badges everywhere you chat.

  • Don’t be surprised to see the new Group badges next to your name in the member list or your profile. You’ll also find them assigned to the members who post or comment inside the ‘What’s New’ section.

  • Take notice. You’ll now receive a notification if a message fails to send after you’ve wandered away from the channel.


  • You could issue a credential while the template was still being created. We crossed it out.

  • There was an inception glitch that made it possible for you to delete a post comment which had already been deleted. That’s no longer the case.

Bug Fixes
  • You won’t have to double check if an invitation to a Group actually got removed if you changed your mind. We fixed it.

  • Creating a Group Card Design should be flawless now.

  • Remove a member from the Group even on Mobile Safari, there are no more issues with the task.

  • You can now issue a credential to a Group member even after creating the Group’s first template.

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