
What's new on GlobaliD news feed and changelog.

June 15, 2021

Web App v1.7.6

In this release, you can find the following improvements:

New features

  • Files in messages - Send any file in messaging; supporting drag and drop as well. 
  • New chat dialog - Create a new chat in Messages and in Groups using only keyboard.
  • Ban group members - Group admins can now ban members from joining a group. 
  • Lost connection state - If a user loses a connection, the app now detects and helps a user to reconnect.
  • New version prompt - When there is a new version of the app released, a user gets prompted to refresh the app so that they can enjoy the new features and improvements.
  • Group audit trail - Group admins can view a log of events that occurred in a group. 


  • Improved landing page for people who click a group invitation link on a desktop - it now displays more group information, such as group logo, banner image and description.
  • Added and indicator on Members tab when there are new requests to join a group.
  • Requests to join a group are now a part of the Members list.
  • Miscellaneous performance improvements in Messages and Audio-Video Calls.

Bug Fixes

  • Miscellaneous layout fixes
  • Fixes for behaviour of display of hidden members in group channels
  • Fix for broken experience when a user changes a chat name or description
  • Fix when chat did not appear in a chat list until manual refresh
  • Fix for an edge case when a user could not resign from a role
  • Fix for link (re)generation edge cases
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