
What's new on GlobaliD news feed and changelog.

December 22, 2020

iOS 2.2.1

In this release you can find following:

New Features

Account recovery via Trustees – Trustees can be friends or family members from your contact list. Once selected, each Trustee is granted a shard of your private key. Once setup, you can restore your identity even in the case of a lost restore key – all you need is approval from a majority of your Trustees.


Video chat enabled in GlobaliD Group

UI Updates to the Wallet Flow - We’ve added a few disclosures and some UI improvements to better communicate to users what’s going on and what limitations the GlobaliD Wallet (powered by Uphold) has.

Android Beneficiary Information - When sending certain large amounts of money, you will be prompted for additional information about the receiver of the funds, as required by law

Bug Fixes

Fixed a crash happening with certain verifications on Safari

Fixed bug related to notifications for Convert action

emoji negative reaction for 'iOS 2.2.1' emoji neutral reaction for 'iOS 2.2.1' emoji positive reaction for 'iOS 2.2.1'
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